The Currys Music

From the Blog

Brave new world: Introducing Patreon!

Now we find ourselves in a brave new world, oh so different from that of two weeks ago…

For the first time in our lifetimes, we are experiencing a truly global pandemic. The novel coronavirus that causes the disease known as COVID-19 has swiftly hopped international borders and resulted in mass social distancing, shuttered national economies, and a near universal pause on daily life. In a matter of days, things went from “business as usual” to “anything but.”

As you may know, for The Currys this means we have cancelled all of our live performances for the CDC’s recommended 8-week restriction on large public gatherings, until mid-May. Given the rapid and widespread adoption of social-distancing orders across the country, it seems likely that this hiatus from gigging will extend into the summer and perhaps beyond.

That obviously has financial and existential implications for our band, but thus far we have approached this unique situation as a challenge to be met with creativity and innovation. Anyone who knows us well is aware that we are full of ideas–“bags of hot air,” some say–and these novel circumstances give us the opportunity to put some of those ideas into practice. In addition to our usual musical duties–writing, arranging, rehearsing, demo-ing, and recording new songs–we will spend this time shooting music videos, presenting remote shows via livestream, even releasing a Currys podcast! The silver lining of this forced time off the road is that we now have so much time off the road. Time that would have been spent traveling is now time to make stuff we’ve never tried to make before. For us, that is an exciting proposition.

To that effect, we’ve started a Patreon page! Patreon is an online platform that allows patrons to connect to artists by making a monthly contribution. In exchange, we will use Patreon to release new songs, demos, videos, and podcast episodes. Most of the content will be exclusive to patrons, so joining will give you special, early access to new material. The minimum monthly contribution is just $3, but you can give more if you feel so inclined, and every dollar is deeply appreciated. So go check out our new Patreon, and in the meantime we’ll keep working on all the good stuff we’ve got planned!

So in this moment of great uncertainty, we are committing ourselves to dig for life’s riches and to preserve those riches in song and story. Difficult times give us the opportunity to rise to the occasion; doubt is the swiftest path to rediscovering our faith in ourselves and each other.

Stay well, wash your hands, and remember: keep calm and Curry on!


“Oh, wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world, that has such people in ‘t!” – Miranda, from Shakespeare’s The Tempest

“Words can be like X-rays if you use them properly — they’ll go through anything. You read and you’re pierced.” – Helmholtz Watson, from Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World


Check out The Currys’ Patreon page here:

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